
I'm looking for a same kind of solution.
Sliding rows of 3 images at the same time.
9 visible images in 3 rows (1-3) (4-6) (7-9).
Next slide will hide (1-3) and who (10-12).

Anyone know how to do that?

(Auto scroll and pause on hover is not a problem, that's all
documented on: http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle)


On Jul 17, 3:54 pm, AND <anildurug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
> i am new to jquery cycle plugin
> I would like to make a multiple images slideshow with jquery cycle
> plugin
> Say I have 12 images and I want to show 3 at a time and cycle through
> the 12 in this fashion:
> (img1-img2-img3) then (img2-img3-img4) then (img3-img4-img5).....
> (img11-img12-img1)
> auto scroll
> on mouseover i need it to be paused and mouseout it should continue..
> Thanks in advance
> And

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