I am doing a FOR loop and creating a list which I am getting from a
mysql DB. I am having trouble linking to an external _blank page. i am
passing my userID (+uidCN+) and when I do the results sometimes the
results list out no problem ...and sometimes it does not. It seems my
loop is creating a conflict somewhere....is there a better way to do
this? If I just copy paste the URL with the userID it works
perfect...very frustrating and have spent way too much time trying to
figure this out. my code and SQL statements all work...thanks in

function getCityNests(nn){

        $.getJSON("i-getCityNests.php", {
            nn: nn
        }, function(data2){

        for (var i=0; i < data2.length; i++){
                                        var postCN = data2[i]['postCN'];
                                        var uidCN = data2[i]['uidCN'];

                                        $("<li id='cityMe'><div 
id='cityMeBox'><a href='http://nestr.com/
n.php?i="+uidCN+"' target=_blank >"+postCN+"</a></div></li>").appendTo
                                        $("<li id='cityMe2'><div 
id='cityMeBox2'>Posted: "+uidCN+"</div></




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