I hate to be so web 1.0 but perhaps using iframe tags for now to load
the ad's until the ajax problem is solved? My assumption was that ajax
was always asyncronous.. hence the Asyncronus JAvasctipt Xml
anacronism (have I got that right?). Didn't know you can do it
syncronously as well.

Is that something you perhaps set up in XMLHttpRequest object? Maybe
Jquery can give you access to the request object and you can set
fields that way.

Taking a stab in the dark,


On Aug 5, 8:49 am, Benedikt <bplet...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> hope I have your attention this time...
> Some of you propably know the problem with advertisment distributors
> and their excessive use of document.write()
> On the one hand, you tried to call advertisement as soon as possible,
> to have it shown as soon as possible. On the other hand, when you do
> that, an the advertisement library calls another remote script, which
> lags, your whole document lags. So you begin writing hacks to load
> advertisement at the end of your document, and traversing it to the
> positions, where it is to be shown. But your still bound to the
> document loading, since you cannot allow document.write() to be called
> afterwards...
> So I didn't invent the wheel when I thought about rewriting
> document.write()
> One of these days I finally found an implementation of rewriting
> document.write() which I actually got working:
>         document.write = (function () {
>             for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
>                 $('#someId').append(arguments[i]);
>             }
>         });
> And hey, there can come as many document.write() calls in any remote
> script, which is called in scripts, which were called themselves via
> document.write(), they are all append smoothly, without blocking any
> of my page rendering. (I even have another little trick, with which
> the whole advertisment calling is parallel to my page parsing)
> I have found the holy grail, or didn't I?
> Yes, as you propably already saw at first glance, I define the point
> where to append inside my function definiton. So what the hack, just
> rewrite as a closure, and before calling the nex ad change the id,
> where it is to be appendend.
> Unfortunatelly there is one big problem, I cannot get my fingers on.
> jQuery's append() internally uses evalScript() to evaluate script-
> tags, found in the appending-String. For script-tags with src-
> attribute, it uses an ajax-call, with it's options set false for
> async! But alas, it seems this is the point a cannot, for remote
> scripts, jQuery's ajax()-calls always seem to be asynchronous.
> So when calling an advertisement, then resetting the div,
> document.write() should append to and then calling the seconf ad, I'm
> not really synchronous any longer, the first written script-src are
> still called, while the second ad starts calling it's own html-string-
> with scripts. So when the first script-src is ready, an the script
> inside is being evaluated, the new set position for document.write
> already is set, and all is written to the latter.
> Example (test.js and test2.js, vividly calling document.write()
> themselves)
> setIdDocumentWriteShouldAppendTo('#Id1');
> document.write('<script src='http://remote.url/test.js'></script>);
> setIdDocumentWriteShouldAppendTo('#Id2');
> document.write('<script src='http://remote.url/test2.js'></script>);
> the second document.write is called, before test.js is finished
> loading...
> There it is, your typical raise condition.
> Hope any one can understand gebrabbel... ;)
> greetings
> Benedikt

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