Hi all,
I am using this handy tabs script from here:

My problem is, if I try to use the same function for multiple elements on a
page, seperated by a comma, it will only show one of the elements at a time.

I am guessing that is due to the "tabcontainers" function being applied to
both elements at once.

Is there a way I can apply the tab containers function via "childof $(this)"
or something along those lines, so I can use the single function for both
elements on the page.

Would appreciate any advice.

$(function () {
var tabContainers = $('#testimonials > blockquote, #recentNews > dl');
 $('#recentNews ul a, #testimonials ul a').click(function () {
tabContainers.filter(this.hash).slideDown({fxFade: true, fxSpeed: 'fast' });
$('#contactForm ul a, #recentNews ul a, #testimonials ul
return false;

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