Change the sortList definition to
sortList: [[3,0]],
sortList: [[3,1]],
depending on what order you want the column sorted in.

You could also tidy up your HTML by adding <tbody></tbody> tags and
<form> elements are not valid inside <tr></tr>


On Aug 7, 6:53 am, jsrobinson <magiclampnetwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have two custom parsers, one works on one column but not on another.
> The second parser is working fine.
> Example:
> http://jquery.magiclamp.net/tablesorter.html
> Cols 2 and 3 have the exact same data, use the same parser, and yet
> sorting on col 2 works but sorting on col 3 returns
> Sorting on 3,NaN and dir NaN time:,3ms
> Rebuilt table:,1ms
> Any clues?
> Thank you for an awesome plugin!!!

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