What I was trying to do with  var current_section = $(this).attr
("name"); was to create a variable that simply contained the "name" of
the particular subsection, which I could then attach to "_tab" to
pinpoint the currently selected tab.  I cant use the ID because it has
a different value, used for something else.  I used the name attribute
because it was convenient for creating that variable. Is this a bad
idea, could that be screwing up the whole file? or is the name
attribute inaccessible to jquery?

The bigger problem, it seems, is that nothing is running in that
gallery.js file, not even the first few lines...
        $(".current_panel .image_area").removeClass("current_area");
        $(".current_panel .image_area").hide();
        $(".current_panel .intro").show();
        $(".current_panel .intro").addClass("current_area");

These seem pretty straightforward to me and I don't understand why
theyre not working.  Im wondering if it cannot see the .current_panel
class, and hence cannot .hide() or .show() its children.  The
class .current_panel is added when a main menu btn is clicked, and the
script for that is in the other panels.js file, which, as I said, is
running perfectly. If all the javascript on the site is run on page
load, then there is no .current_tab class at the time, and hence
nothing will happen.  Is this a likely cause? and if so is there a way
to only run gallery.js once a menu btn is clicked? I tried adding the
contents of gallery.js to that click function in the other file, but
as I said, it broke the whole file.

On Aug 9, 12:34 pm, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 8, 7:25 pm, "andrew.croce" <andrew.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >                 var current_section = $(this).attr("name");
> ...
> >                 $("#"+current_section+"_tab").addClass("current_tab");
> This is wrong. The '#' searches by ID, not by name. Try (untested):
> >                 var current_section = $(this).attr("id");

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