Hi there,

I am having a similar issue, but the functionality I want to achieve
is a bit simpler. Right now I want to apply a link of my choosing to
each slide (in the HTML of the slide), but t this breaks the alt
information pulled from the the pager and displays an "undefined"
error on the page. I don't quite know how to achieve this in the code.

This is a snippet of my pager code:
.after('<div id="nav">')
pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
var navlabel = $($(slide).html() +'img').attr('alt');
return '<span><a href="#">' + navlabel + '</a></span>';

This is my current jQuery cycle HTML Code for each slide:

<div class="cycler">
<div id="rotator">
<!-- slide 1 -->

<div class="slide"><img src="image1.jpg" width="400" height="120"
alt="Alt Text for Pager" />

<div class="caption">
<h1><a href="link-to-page.html">Title Headline</a></h1>
<p>Caption Text and other HTML</p>
 <!-- /slide 1-->

<!-- slide 2 -->
Same code as above but different image and caption content
<!-- /slide 2 -->


I want to manually add a custom href around the slide image src (like
the example code below) but it completely breaks it the pager
navigation and shows "undefined" error:

<!-- slide -->
<div class="slide 1">

<a href ="custom-link.html"><img src="image.jpg" width="400"
height="120" alt="Alt Text for Pager" /></a>

<div class="caption">
<h1><a href="link-to-page.html">Title Headline</a></h1>
<p>Caption Text and other HTML</p>
 <!-- /slide 1 -->

How can I do this?

Many thanks,

On Jul 22, 8:35 am, Charlie <charlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> the details you want to display can also be contained elsewhere if you want 
> by using the index of the current slide to  match the index of another set of 
> containers
> function onAfter(curr, next, opts) {
>              var index = opts.currSlide;
>            // use index to refernece other containers to work with
> }
> thus you can hide a series of containers and display the ones you want on 
> each slide. Also can use the onBefore to hide, animate or whatever to remove 
> the info showing , let new slide show up, then add new info with onAfter
> Mescalero wrote:Thanks guys, Using that, this is what i have: $(function() { 
> $('#slides').before('<div id="nav" class="nav">').cycle({ fx: 'fade', speed: 
> 'fast', timeout: 0, pager: '#nav', after: onAfter }); }); function onAfter() 
> { $('#article-description').html("<h3>" + this.title + "</ h3>") 
> .append('<p>' + this.alt + ' <a href=' + this.link +'>Read more ›</p>'); } 
> and then in the body i have something like: <img name="" 
> src="images/features/botanical.jpg" width="388" height="218" title="Botanical 
> Garden" alt="Almost 300 acres, the botanical garden has miles of streams and 
> nature trails, display gardens, and flowers and plants." 
> link="http://www.scbg.com"/> the only problem is that this.link is coming up 
> undefined. I am curious where i need to define it so that it will pick up the 
> link attribute like it does "src" and "title." If i just put the link in the 
> unused 'name" attribute and change to + this.name it also works, but that i 
> may want other attributes later down the road...does this make sense? Matt On 
> Jul 20, 7:07 pm, Mike Alsup<mal...@gmail.com>wrote:I would like to add 
> another attribute to the img tag called "link."This attribute would define 
> where theimagewould link to if someone clicks theimage.Then i could do 
> something like: .append('<p>' + this.alt + ' <a href=' + this.link +'>Read 
> more ›</p>');Does anyone know what/where i can add in thecyclejs to 
> accomodate for this.link?Check out the 'callbacks' example on this 
> page:http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/int2.html

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