If you're acting on the same element, you can just chain the effects:


That should fade out the element(s) represented by variable t and then fade them back in.

If you need to pause in between the fadeOut and the fadeIn, a cheesy but effective way to do it (and I'm all for cheesy) would be something like this:

jQuery(t).fadeOut(2000).animate({foo: 1}, 2000).fadeIn(1000);

Note the arbitrary property in the animate() option's object literal. jQuery will try to animate the foo property, whatever that is. But it doesn't matter. It will take 2000ms trying to do it. Then it will fade the element back in.


Karl Swedberg

On Aug 11, 2009, at 7:31 PM, webhead81 wrote:

My apologies is this is a double post - It seems Google Groups just
dropped my last message (I'm not even sure how that's possible), so
here goes.

A little over a year ago, user Iminay requested help in getting some
of his code to properly pause after a fade event before continuing
with execution:


It seems he was able to resolve his problem after two extremely
helpful responses were posted. Unfortunately, I haven't had the same
success, and even after trying to follow the solutions posted by David
McFarland or Karl Swedberg, I'm still confused and unable to modify
their code to solve this particular problem.

Specifically, I have a jQuery-based image rotator that is mostly
governed by this chunk of code:

// The below function repeatedly gets called by setInterval
("show_next_rotating_item(showing)", 5000), to do the rotating
function show_next_rotating_item(t)

        var next_rotating_item = jQuery(t).siblings('.rotating_item:random');
                next_rotating_item = jQuery('#rotating_items
        //Pause for some user defined amount of time HERE!
        showing = next_rotating_item;

As you can see, it's a fairly simple chunk of code... And as indicated
by the comment, I'm trying to pause in between a fadeOut() and fadeIn
() function call.

I've tried adapting David and Karl's suggestions, but I haven't had
much success. I've also looked into setTimeout(), but it seems that
function doesn't produce the desired behavior - it does indeed execute
the passed function after a specified delay, but doesn't seem to do it
in a serial fashion. That is, it seems to spin the execution of that
function off into another process, continue on with the next line of
code, and then executing the spun-off function in parallel after the
appropriate delay.

In other languages I'm familiar with, there have always been a sleep
(), wait(), pause(), etc. function that one can call to pause the
serial execution of a function for a given amount of time. How might
one achieve that here?

In the solutions posted by David and Karl in the aforementioned link,
there was mention of "callback functions". I read up on how they work,
but I don't see how I can apply them to this situation. The code those
two posted is much more... complex... than what I can read, and I was
hoping someone could make it a bit more simple.

While theirs is nice and compact, it's less human/programmer-readable,
and that's what I need right now.

Does anyone have any ideas? I'm sorry if the solution is obvious or
self-evident... I'm not as proficient at JavaScript as I am at some
other languages and I'm still learning.

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