I have several sections on a page that have the same structure, a div
with information to cycle and a div with navigation.  Each section has
the same classes and mark up, but varies with actual content.

What follows isn't exact, but similar markup:
<div class="section">
  <div class="verticalList"> <ul>...</ul></div>
 <div class="serviceRight"> <img /> <img /> <img /> </div>

<div class="section">
  <div class="verticalList"> <ul>...</ul></div>
 <div class="serviceRight"> <img /> <img /> <img /> </div>

I want to loop through each section and apply the same cycle pattern
via the jQuery cycle plugin.   My code is as such:

            $('.serviceRight').each(function() {
                    fx: 'scrollHorz',
                    speed: 400,
                    timeout: 0,
                    pager: $(this).parent().find('.verticalList'),
                    pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
                        // return sel string for existing anchor
                        //return $(this).parent().find('.verticalList
li:eq(' + idx + ') a');
                        return this.pager.find('.verticalList li:eq('
+ (idx) + ') a');

I'm having trouble constructing the pagerAnchorBuilder such that it's
relative to the section being cycled.  I'm trying to keep the markup
for the section generic.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

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