Thanks for the advice.  I put the code up on jsbin.

Here is the link

On Aug 5, 12:29 pm, "Cesar Sanz" <> wrote:
> I will suggest you, that instead of pasting all your code (which ALMOST 
> nobody reads) you put a demo in
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Charlie
>   To:
>   Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 6:00 AM
>   Subject: [jQuery] Re: hide() does not hide span in IE, but does in FF
>   this is a lot to sift through to find one span hide issue for which there 
> is likely an easy solution. You'll get a  lot better response by putting a 
> test case on live link.
> is great for this if you don't have public access server
>   msmaeda wrote:
> Hi,
> With the code below, I am having an issue that only seems to occur in
> IE.  The issue is that the "payer_pane" span should be hidden unless
> the "NEW" option is selected in the "relationship_person_id" select
> list.  In IE, the payer_pane appears despite what is selected in the
> "relationship_person_id" select list.  In Firefox and Safari, the span
> hides and appears as expected.
> Thanks in advance for any help on this.
> Kind Regards,
> Matt
> ********************************** JS
> **********************************
> // this will need tweaking when we add multiple token types, but is
> hard coded for now so we're aware of it.
> var current_person_id;
> var current_gateway_id;
> $('document').ready(function() {
>     utilSetTextfieldHint( $('#relationship_name'), 'Enter new
> relationship here' );
>     $('#relationship_name').hide();
>     // set up account reference and display rules
>     utilSetTextfieldHint( $('#new_account_reference'), 'Enter new
> account reference here' );
>     if ( $('#account_reference') ) {
>         $('#new_account_reference').hide();
>         $('#account_reference').change(function() {
>             if ($(this).val() !=0 ) {
>                 $('#new_account_reference').hide();
>             }
>             else {
>                 $('#new_account_reference').show();
>             }
>         });
>     }
>     // populate payer information on select
>     $('#relationship_person_id').change(function() {
>         var person_id = $(this).val();
>         // existing person
>         if (person_id>0) {
>             $('#relationship_name').hide();
>             load_payer(person_id);
>         }
>         // new person
>         else {
>             $('#relationship_name').show();
>             populate_payer_person();
>             populate_payment_token();
>         }
>         if ( person_id == $('input[name=person_id]').val() ) {
>             $('#payer_pane').hide();
>         }
>         else {
>             $('#payer_pane').show();
>         }
>     });
>     $('#payer_pane').hide();
> });
> function populate_payer_person(data) {
>     if (!data) {
>         data={};
>     }
>     if (data.error) {
>         if ( confirm("Error: "+data.error+" - Retry?") ) {
>             load_payer(current_person_id);
>         }
>     }
>     else {
>         $('input[name=payer_person_id]').val(||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_first_name]').val(data.first_name||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_middle_name]').val(data.middle_name||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_last_name]').val(data.last_name||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_address1]').val(data.address1||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_address2]').val(data.address2||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_city]').val(||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_state]').val(data.state||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_zip]').val(||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_zipplus4]').val(data.zipplus4||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_phone1_number]').val
> (data.phone1_number||'');
>         $('select[name=payer_person_phone1_description]').val
> (data.phone1_description||'');
>         $('input[name=payer_person_phone2_number]').val
> (data.phone2_number||'');
>         $('select[name=payer_person_phone2_description]').val
> (data.phone2_description||'');
>     }
> }
> function load_payer(person_id) {
>     // grab payer info from server through ajax and populate into form
>     current_person_id = person_id;
>     populate_payer_person({ first_name: 'Loading...'});
>     $.getJSON(
>         '../../app/charge',
>         {               m: 'ajax_person',
>                 person_id: person_id },
>         function(data) { populate_payer_person(data) }
>     );
> }
> **********************************   HTML
> **********************************
> <h1>Account Info</h1>
> <form action="../../app/charge" method="post" id="cc_form">
> <input name="m" value="select_credit_card" type="hidden"/>
> <table>
>   <tr valign="top">
>     <td width="48%">
>       Account Number<br/>
>       ....<br/>
>       Client/Directory Location<br/>
>       ....<br/>&nbsp;
>     </td>
>     <td width="4%" rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
>     <td width="48%">
>       Payer's relationship to the Account Holder<br/>
>       <select style="width: 200px;" class="input1"
> id="relationship_person_id" name="relationship_person_id">
>            <option value="3">SELF</option>
>            <option value="0">NEW</option>
>       </select><br/>
>       <input style="display: none;" id="relationship_name"
> name="relationship_name" size="30" maxlength="30" class="input1
> grayed" type="text">
>     </td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr valign="top">
>     <td style="background-color: #d9d9db;padding: 4px;">
>       <b>Account Holder</b><br/>
>       ...
>     </td>
>     <td>
>         <span id="payer_pane">
>             <b>Payer Information</b><br/>
>             <table>
>                ...
>             </table>
>         </span>
>     </td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <td colspan="3" align="right"><br/><input class="button1"
> type="submit" id="submit_transaction" value="Next"/><br/><br/><br/></
> td>
>   </tr>
> </table>
> </form>

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