I have a form with a block of 4 fields (3 selects and a text input)
that have to either be all left empty or all filled in.  I'm new to
jQuery, and the Validation plug-in, so I probably have missed
something here.  I've been through the documentation, and have tried a
number of things to get this to work, but no luck so far.
Here is the block of HTML fields:
<select id=SPLY_0 name=PRCH[0][3]>
<option value=0>Select a Supplier
<option value=5>Supplier 1 (304194)
<option value=4>Supplier 2 (320815)
<option value=3>Supplier 3 (301642)
<option value=1>Supplier 4 (11572)
<option value=2>Supplier 5 (83892)
<select id=prod_0 name=PRCH[0][4]>
<option value=0>Select Product
<option value="1">Product 1 (PRD1)
<option value="2">Product 2 (PRD2)
<option value="4">Product 3 (PRD3)
<option value="7">Product 4 (PRD4)
<select id=prog_0 name=PRCH[0][5]>
<option value=0>Select Budget Item
<input class=number name=PRCH[0][6] type=text size=6 maxlength=10><br>
<textarea name=PRCH[0][7] cols=30></textarea>

I have a jQuery function that cascades Product to Budget Items, so the
list of items is driven from the selection of Product.  The textarea
is just a description field, so it isn't required.

Eternal gratitude to anyone who can help me figure this out.


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