Hmm. The plot thickens. Debugging a bit more.

On Aug 13, 4:20 pm, "Mauricio \(Maujor\) Samy Silva"
<> wrote:
> There is nothing wrong with your code.
> Have a look at this testcase:
> Maurício
>   -----Mensagem Original-----
>   De: littlerobothead
>   Para: jQuery (English)
>   Enviada em: quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2009 16:46
>   Assunto: [jQuery] Radio button checked status
>   Banging my head against a wall here. I have this:
>   <h3><span class="num">1</span>Date Range</h3>
>   <p><input type="radio" class="period" name="period" value="daily">
>   Daily</p>
>   <p><input type="radio" class="period" name="period" value="weekly">
>   Weekly</p>
>   <p><input type="radio" class="period" name="period" value="monthly">
>   Monthly</p>
>   and I'm trying to get checked status with this:
>   var period = $('input.period:checked').val();
>   But, of course, no joy. Do *I* need to set the checked status of the
>   radio button in order to use the :checked method, or doesn't the
>   browser handle this on it's own? I thought browsers changed the
>   "checked" attribute on their own. I'm totally stumped and cranky over
>   here.
>   Thanks!
>   -Nick

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