Hi group,

I would appreciate a point in the right direction here, as I seem to
be getting lost. I would like to be able to write a function which
will trigger when the mouse is clicked, but only do a certain thing
based on WHAT is clicked. Which is why I figured the "not" selector
would be useful.

Here is my function:

function closeIt(){
     $().not("#FM_OPTIONS").click( function() {

Basically what I want to say is, if what I click does NOT have the id
'#FM_OPTIONS' (it's a floating div), make that div disappear. In other
words, if someone clicks away from it, it should close. However it
seems that even if I click the div itself, it makes it disappear as
well - surely the 'not' selector is supposed to prevent this? Am I
structuring the function incorrectly? Any help would be much

Thank you.

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