
You can use below mentioned code example to achievce it.

intInt = parseInt($('#hdnInput').val()) + 1;
var appendText = '<div id="myDiv' + intInt + '">Element Number '+intInt+'
has been added! Remove the element < a href="javascript: void(0);"
onClick="$(\'#myDiv'+intInt+'\').remove();">Remove< /a></div>';<br />

Anurag Pal

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 2:51 AM, Wolf <ventas.w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need clone a row and update the elements inside of them, but i cant
> update elements dynamically.
> example Jquery.
> $("#clickmeIMg").click(function(){
>    var insertDataBefore = $('#tablaFormulario').find('tr:last')
>   insertDataBefore.clone(true).insertAfter(insertDataBefore).find
> ("td").filter(function(){
>      alert($(this).html());
>    });
> });
> The element return 3 alerts return :
> - first alert return a select
> - second alert return input
> - third alert return a img
> this element i can`t capture data for update new row.
> i try with array and convert to array but nothing.
> any idea ?
> Example HTML
> <tr>
>                <td valign="top">
>                <SELECT name="tipo0" id="tipo0" class="caja"
> onBlur="style.backgroundColor=''">
>                        <option value="" selected>Seleccione</option>
>                        <%set rsTipo = ConnInformatica.Execute("exec
>  tipo_consulta")
>                        if not rsTipo.eof then
>                        do while not rsTipo.eof
>                                response.Write("<option value='"&
> ucase(trim(rsTipo("idTipo")))
> &"'>"& ucase(trim(rsTipo("tipo"))) &"</option>")
>                        rsTipo.MoveNext
>                        loop
>                        else
>                                response.Write("<OPTION value=''>NO EXISTEN
>                        end if
>                        rsTipo.Close
>                        Set rsTipo  = Nothing%>
>                </select>
>                </td>
>                <td valign="top"><input name="informacion0" type="text"
> class="caja"
> id="informacion0" size="88      " maxlength="50"
> onBlur="style.backgroundColor=''"></td>
>                <td align="center" class="fondo_claro"><img src="../../
> Utilidades_intranet/Imagen/icon/eliminar.gif" alt="ELIMINAR FILA"
> class="opacity"></td>
>                </tr>

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