By IE, I think he means IE6. I haven't tested this, but I think IE7 and up can do this fine, as long as you make sure you're applying any png hacks you're using to IE6 only with conditional comments.

I could be wrong on this, though.


pmni wrote:
Thank you for the explain.

On 18 Ago, 08:58, Liam Potter <> wrote:
IE cannot animate the opacity of a png with alpha transparency and there
is no solution to this.

pmni wrote:
I'm building a website, and use your framework to hide/show a div.
This work, but in IE when click to hide/show the div, the background
became black, instead to maintaine the image with alpha properties...
In Firefox, Opera and Chrome works fine.
Why this append?
Thanks in advance, pmni- Ocultar texto citado -
- Mostrar texto citado -

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu & Tallieu NV -

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