There is no gurantee that the form will actually be submitted after
submitHandler is called. So the cleanup is necessary for future
submits of the same form.

Could you show your full code? I suspect the actual issue is elsewhere.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 2:14 PM, L.Ours.POlaiR<> wrote:
> system :
> JQuery : 1.3.1
> Validate plugins 1.5.5
> #########################################
> problem : form validation with <button> under chrome(test under chrome
> 3.x and chrome
> the button value is not sent to POST or GET
> solution :
> change line 70
> ######################################################################
> if (validator.submitButton){
>        // and clean up afterwards; thanks to no-block-scope, hidden can be
> referenced
>        hidden.remove();
> }
> ######################################################################
> by this
> ######################################################################
> if (validator.submitButton) {
>        // and clean up afterwards; thanks to no-block-scope, hidden can be
> referenced
>        // hidden.remove();
> }
> ######################################################################
> I think the problem become from Chrome JS engine, which "jump" the
> action.
> Why did you remove hidden input ? just for cleaning a form which
> already sent ?
> thanks for supporting.
> Cordialy,
> L.Ours.POlaiR | Creabilis

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