I've got it appearing at the correct time and following the mouse pointer


But my last bit of code isn't causing the tip to be removed.


Is it because the first section of code below is being triggered with every
mouse movement?


If so, how should I reconfigure this routine.?


Thanks for any feedback.




     $(document).ready(function() {


          $('.clickable').mouseover(function() {


               $().mousemove(function(event) {


                    $('<div class="toolTip">You must have a favorites
account<br>and be logged in to save favorites</div>').appendTo('body');


                    $('div.toolTip').css({ 'top' : event.pageY - 5, 'left' :
event.pageX + 20 });







          $('.clickable').mouseout(function() {








"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation."  - Henry Kissinger


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