I am loading a collection of frames as follows (from jsp source, so
ignore <%= %> blocks):

    <frameset name="MNGM_OUTER" rows="50,*,20" framespacing=0
frameborder=0 border=0>
        <frame name="MNGM_TOP" src="control/top.jsp" scrolling=no
noresize scrolling=no/>
        <frameset id="MNGM_INNER" name="MNGM_INNER" cols="170,*"
framespacing=0 frameborder=0 border=0>
            <frame name="MNGM_NAVIGATION" src="<%=navpage%>"
scrolling=no noresize/>
            <frame name="MNGM_WORKINGAREA" src="<%=workpage%>"
        <frame name="MNGM_FOOT" src="control/footer.jsp" scrolling=no
noresize scrolling=no/>

I have jquery and blockUI loading from the frame MNGM_WORKINGAREA. I
would like to use blockUI to block the entire page from the frame
MNGM_INNER down.  I have constructed my call to blockUI as follows:

function foo() {
    $(document).ready(function() {
            css: {
                backgroundColor: 'F00',
                color: '#000'
            applyPlatformOpacityRules: false,
            message: "<img src='../../images/busy.gif' /> Please
wait ...",
            opacity: '0.5'

This will successfully block the current document which is
MNGM_WORKINGAREA.  How can I call this function correctly such that it
will block the parent of this document?

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