It depends on what $('#favorites').html() contains, have you checked that?
Are you sure the id is correct?
The syntax by itself is absolutely correct, but what you should see in your
site is something that depends on a lot of things such as what the
$('menu1') contains and what it should etc...try checking if the .html() is
returning the right data, then check if it is actually getting appended
using firebux, after you have reached that stage and confirmed the same
check if the styles are right...

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

Pablo Picasso<>
- "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:11 PM, Rick Faircloth

>  $('.menu1').append($('#favorites').html());
> I get no errors in firebug when it’s run, but not code appended to .menu1,
> either…
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
> reputation."  - Henry Kissinger*

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