You could try this, similar to what the plugin does for the mustMatch option:

$(".autocomplete").blur(function() {
 $(this).search(function(result) {
   if (!result) {
     // no match found, do something, eg. clearing other fields


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Billy<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using autocomplete plugin, when the user types something the
> backend responds value and key information (for instance:
> John|76178
> Mike|87252
> Peter|87511
> Using .result I'm setting the key in a hidden field in my form.
> $('#autocompleteTextboxId').result(function(event, data, formatted) {
>        if (data)
>                $('#autocompleteHiddenValueId').val(data[1]);
> });
> But what if the user changes his mind and after choosing "John" types
> something else in the textbox (without actually chosing a new option
> from the autocomplete options) or even deletes the whole text? As
> things are now, the data previously set in the hidden field remains
> there. So the user might post the form thinking that his selection is
> blank, but the system actually thinks that he selected "76178".
> Is there a way to "clear" the hidden field when the user types
> something?
> I tried by setting some action to "focus" so that whenever the user
> focuses on the textbox the hidden value is cleared but it seems that
> after the user chooses a value in the autocomplete options, the plugin
> sets focus to the text field (hence making this action execute, thus
> clearing the hidden value everytime).
> $('#autocompleteTextboxId').focus(function() {
>        $('#autocompleteHiddenValueId').val('');
> });
> It would be cool if we had something like ".textChanged" (similar to
> ".result" above) where we can do some action when the user changes the
> text on the field.
> Maybe some of the JS wizards here can suggest something.
> Thanks.

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