In this case you need to wrap the code inside the onclick in a


although obviously better would be to use $.click to bind the event:


You will probably also want to check that the onclick function has
access to the int variable. If you define 'int' in a particular scope
then you need to make sure that the click handler can access the same
scope. Without seeing your code then it's difficult to tell.

On Aug 21, 10:01 pm, solow <> wrote:
> Hey,
> I have a question.
> I want to create a javascript loop, with setInterval().
> This loop has to be used in dynamicaly loaded content, which should be
> reloaded every x seconds. This works fine.
> But now, I want to use clearInterval to STOP the interval, when I
> leave the dynalically loaded page. Because if I don't, the loop will
> keep on running, even when not on that page. So, how do I do this? I
> even tried the easiest way, setting a button in the dynamically loaded
> content:
> <button onclick="int=window.clearInterval(int)">
> Stop interval</button>
> but this doesn't even work...
> basically, what i want, is to clear all intervals, on a certain div,
> when i navigate somehwere else.
> To prevent any confusion, the 'navigate somewhere else' means, other
> dynamically content. the page doesn't refresh ever.
> Hope someone can help me.
> Wesley.

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