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On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:53, Robert H. <> wrote:

> (Going to post this Here since JQuery Plugins seems Dead)
> Hello,
> I've been working on getting a table with a super header and sub
> headers to only sort by the sub headers.  The example at
> shows this is possible
> but everytime I try to run the code the items in the top row are used
> to sort columns starting with 0.  I've tried two different versions of
> jquery and re-downloaded Tablesorter twice now.  It seems as if this
> should be easy and I'm just missing some amazingly simple thing.
> Code:
> TR/html4/strict.dtd <>"> <html>
>        <head>
>                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> charset=iso-8859-1">
>                <title>Row Span</title>
>                <link type="text/css" href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
>        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.1.3.js"></
> script>
>                <script type="text/javascript"
> src="jquery.tablesorter-dev.js"></
> script>
>        </head>
>        <body>
> <table class="tablesorter" id="rowspan" cellspacing="0">
>    <thead>
>        <tr>
>            <th rowspan="2">Name</th>
>            <th colspan="2">General information</th>
>            <th colspan="4">Degree information</th>
>        </tr>
>        <tr>
>            <th>Major</th>
>            <th>Gender</th>
>            <th>English</th>
>            <th>Japanese</th>
>            <th>Calculus</th>
>            <th>Geometry</th>
>        </tr>
>    </thead>
>    <tbody>
>        <tr>
>            <td>Student01</td>
>            <td>Languages</td>
>            <td>male</td>
>            <td>80</td>
>            <td>70</td>
>            <td>75</td>
>            <td>80</td>
>        </tr>
>        <tr>
>            <td>Student02</td>
>            <td>Mathematics</td>
>            <td>male</td>
>            <td>90</td>
>            <td>88</td>
>            <td>100</td>
>            <td>90</td>
>        </tr>
>        <tr>
>            <td>Student03</td>
>            <td>Languages</td>
>            <td>female</td>
>            <td>85</td>
>            <td>95</td>
>            <td>80</td>
>            <td>85</td>
>        </tr>
>    </tbody>
> </table>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> $(document).ready(function() {
>    $("#rowspan").tablesorter();
> });
> </script>
>        </body>
> </html>
> Thank you for your time,
> Robert

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