It's kinda hard to tell without seeing the site, but I think you could try finding out which url gets loaded and what response you get by using something like Fiddler ( ) or Wireshark ( ). Chrome also has a built-in debug thing, I believe.


ch2450 wrote:

Hi everybody,

I recently updated my website with url rewriting.
What I did was change the htaccess file so that every url is
redirected to an index.php file, which then parts this url ($_SERVER
['REQUEST_URI']) and 'include()' the corresponding files.

Since then, I've had several problems with absolute and relative paths
throughout the whole website, so I hardcoded every url and src tag
inside the code using the absolute path
(instead of path/to/file/).
This has been working fine for every browser running on a Mac (Safari
and Firefox) and for Firefox on PC.
I didn't have the same luck with Chrome, Safari (PC) and IE for which
everything seems to work fine except the ajax requests. After several
days of testing, I am 95 percent sure that the problem comes from the
url's used by the $.ajax requests.
Although I wrote the absolute path for all of them (http://, the above-mentioned browsers don't
seem to find them.

Any idea what the problem could be ?
Any tips on how I could manage the absolute/relative path problem
better (for php and js) ?

Thank you for your help. Best,

Here is the entire content of my htaccess file :
"<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php

I use Dreamhost, if this is of any help.

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu & Tallieu NV -

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