Hi Group,

is there a possibility to chain AJAX Requests?

By now i have 5 AJAX Functions where one calls the next (Button Click
> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> Finish)

My main problem is that i have to wait about 10 seconds before the 3.
function calls the 4. When i use
sT1 = window.setTimeout(function(){ function_4() }, 10000); in
function 3 my result gets mixed up. eg the dom manipulation of
function 1 is reverted (strange - i know).

I also tried the pause the Cookbook wait function (http://
docs.jquery.com/Cookbook/wait) but i can't get them to run with my
ajax statements. I tryed something like "$.wait(10).ajax({    url:
"smtpCheck.php",  data:" .....

Thanks in advance

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