
I have setup an async tree due to the big number of leafs (~2000) and
the poor performance of the static tree when viewed on IE6/IE7. The
async loads faster than the standard tree, but when clicking on a
level 2 branch all the leafs of the tree are fetched, not just the
ones under the clicked branch, so are all the level 2 branches when
clicking a level 1 branch.

The source of the tree is MenuTree.aspx, and it is called one time for
each branch of each level, I mean, my level 1 has 19 folders, when
clicking one it expands and shows thel level 2 folders, but all the
rest of the level 2 folders are fetched as well (but not expanded).
When clicking on a level 2 folder, it expands and shows the files
(leafs), but also fetches it's 1980 "cousins".

Is this the intended behavior?? Is there a way of loading just the
children of the clicked branch??

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my awful English :S

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