have you tried json.d ?

On Aug 27, 9:38 am, defdev <sp...@definitivedevelopment.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a form defined as follows:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $('#edit_page_form').ajaxForm({
>                 type: "POST",
>     timeout: 45000,
>           dataType: 'json',
>     error: function() {
>             alert("error etc ");
>           },
>           success: function(json) {
>             alert(json);
>             alert(json.message);
>           },
>           complete: function() {
>                 alert('done');
>           }
>   });
> });
> when alerting json in the success function - it echoes out the Json as
> a string, and not a valid object - hence, json.message doesnt work/is
> undefined.
> from the server side:
>  echo '{ message: "why wont this work" }';
> im using jquery 1.7.2.
> is there something obvious i am missing?
> cheers
> Joe

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