That's what I'd call it, anyway.  This would be a captioned button
with a small arrow you'd click on.  That would drop down a list of
button captions, changing the caption of the button when it collapses.

The upshot is, the button would have variable onclick functionality,
dependent upon the current caption of the button.  I suppose it would
merely result in a different value of the button's 'name=' attribute
when the container form is submitted.

My goal is to pair something like that with a textbox for searching
one of several different fields (the button caption would be 'name',
'phone', 'email' for example, and clicking the button would search for
the textbox string in whichever field the button says.

I'm pretty sure how I'd make one but if it's already been done, why
reinvent.  Elsewise, I'm diving in.



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