Which autocomplete library are you using?
This one? -> http://dyve.net/jquery/?autocomplete

The most popular one currently is by Jörn Zaffaerer:

That one doesn't have a "autocompleteArray".

On Aug 27, 2:40 pm, RobGMiller <robgmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Coded the following in a page :
> var ArrayVariable = New Array();
> $(document).ready(function() {
>      $("#inputbox").autocompleteArray(ArrayVariable, {
>                 delay: 10,
>                 minChars: 1,
>                 matchSubset: 1,
>                 onItemSelect: selectItem,
>                 onFindValue: findValue,
>                 autoFill: true,
>                 maxItemsToShow: 10
>             });
> });
> Filling the input box does not present the list of matching array
> elements. I believe the array has the wrong structure because it is
> not recognized in  jQuery.fn.autocomplete. options.data is set to null
> because data.constructor does not return an array.
> The array is filled by looping through all elements of a json stucture
> returned from an ajax call as in ArrayVariable[index] = jsonResponse
> [i]. It appears to be a normal array when looking at it with visual
> studio.
> I've also tried to create a string as in var ArrayVariable = ""; and
> ArrayVariable = "[ 'elementone', 'elementtwo', 'elementthree']"; but
> that was not successfull either.
> Can someone indicate the correct structure of the array required.

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