Sound strange to me. $({your selector}) should acces the html dom
document, not the xml document.
And what is the xmlData variable? You can youse createElement if it is
the xml dom document, not if it is a jqery object

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 7:59 AM, g...@iec<> wrote:
> Hi Paolo,
> Thanks for your suggestion but this still not work.
> But i find a solution and it should be done as mentioned below:
> var new_ele = xmlData.createElement('new_ele_name');
> $(new_ele).text({value which you want to put inside tag});
> $({your selector}).append(new_ele);
> And this work both in ie and ff.
> On Aug 26, 11:24 pm, Paolo Chiodi <> wrote:
>> Maybe not the best solution, but here's something that work:
>> var new_element = xmlData.get(0).createElement('new_element_name');
>> xmlData.find('your_query').append(new_element);
>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:49 PM, g...@iec<> wrote:
>> > In ajax call, i set dataType as 'xml' and on success, i call a
>> > function in which i am passing xml which i got as response.
>> > And in the function i a assigning  that data to a global variable so
>> > that i can access it from any function.
>> > I am assigning it to a global variable as shown below :
>> > xyz : function(data){
>> >  xmlData = $(data);
>> >  .........
>> > ........
>> > }
>> > like this and then i need to modify xmldata if there is any change in
>> > form and on submit of form, i am sending xmlData back to server using
>> > ajax call.
>> > So please guide me accordingly to modify xml in global variable on
>> > change in form data from any other function.
>> > On Aug 26, 3:47 pm, Paolo Chiodi <> wrote:
>> >> You don't have to use xmlData, which is the jquery object, but data
>> >> which is the xml dom (if you set xml as type of the request)
>> >> Paolo
>> >> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:35 PM, g...@iec<> wrote:
>> >> > Thanks for your reply.
>> >> > But this is not working.The data which i got as a result from ajax
>> >> > call on success, i stored it in a global variable.
>> >> > Like this
>> >> > var xmlData = $(data);
>> >> > But when i was executing like you told, it is not creating an
>> >> > element.
>> >> > On Aug 26, 1:49 pm, Paolo Chiodi <> wrote:
>> >> >> when you do document.createElement you create an element that is child
>> >> >> of "document" document.
>> >> >> Try to create the element with data.createElement.
>> >> >> Paolo
>> >> >> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:14 AM, g...@iec<> 
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> > I am making an ajax call and in response, i am getting an XML.
>> >> >> > And then using data from XML, i am creating a form.
>> >> >> > I stored response XMl in a variable like this
>> >> >> >  var xmlData  = $(data);
>> >> >> > If there is any change in any field of  form then i am changing
>> >> >> > corresponding node value in xmlData
>> >> >> > by appending new node in related node like this :
>> >> >> >  var val = document.createElement('{nodename}');
>> >> >> > $(val).text({changed value});
>> >> >> > $({corresponding node}).append($(val));
>> >> >> > This is working fine in FF but not working in IE.
>> >> >> > Kindly guide me how can i solve this problem.
>> >> >> > Thanks in advance to all for providing guidance.

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