
$(data).find('#xyz title').text();

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 7:44 PM, jeanluca<> wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm truggling with this for a while now, without succes. Here is the
> test code:
> $.ajax({
>          type: "GET",
>          url: url,
>          cache: false,
>          dataType: 'xml',
>          async: true,
>          complete: function(data, status) {
>              // get title name of the book element with id  'xyz'
>          }
> }) ;
> suppose the xml send from the server is
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <books>
>  <book id='abc'>
>   <title>Some Title</title>
>  </book>
>  <book id='xyz'>
>    <title>Other title</title>
>  </book>
> </books>
> So my question is: How do I get the title from the book element with
> id 'xyz'
> I've tried to parse data.responseXML or something like
> var d = $(data) ;
> d.find('#xyz').each(function() { ... }) ;
> It would be great if I could do something like:
> alert("TITLE IS " + $("#xyz", data.responseXML).text() );
> Any suggestions ?
> or maybe these a plugin that can help?
> thnx a lot

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