Have the modal dialog that submits the form on confirm. See example


On Aug 28, 3:56 pm, Edgar Méndez. <edgar9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using the jquery validation plugin and when all the fields of the
> form are correct I want to show a dialog that inform that the data
> will be submited, the problem is that the dialog just show for about
> 1/2 second and the form is submited, how can I do some kind of delay
> or pause before submit the form to show the confirmation.
> There is my code:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         $(function() {
>                 $("#dialog").dialog({
>                         bgiframe: true,
>                         autoOpen: false,
>                         modal: true,
>                         buttons: {
>                                 Ok: function() {
>                                         $(this).dialog('close');
>                                 }
>                         }
>                 });
>                 $('#create-user').click(function() {
>                 if($("#RegisterForm").valid())
>                         $('#dialog').dialog('open');
>                 });
>         });
>         </script>
> <button id="create-user" >Create new user</button>
> Thanks in advance...

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