I have difficulties understanding what you're trying to achieve.
As someone mentioned, Java is to Javascript as Ham is to Hamster.
They're two different beasts.

For the 'elem+1' situation, you can do:
    this['elem'+1] = '...';
to dynamically create variables. But usually you don't have to resort
to doing something like that if you code things properly.

On Aug 28, 12:44 pm, kali <maya778...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I have a problem with binding events to dynamically-generated
> elements; specif. problem is something I'm trying to do with
> JavaScript doesn't work but it works if I do it in JSP:   (and can we
> PLEASE get ability to display CODE in this forum in NON-PROPORTIONAL
> FONT???)
> JSP, event-binding works:
> ------------------------
>         <%  for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { %>
>                 var elem<%=i%> = $('<a id="link<%=i%>"><img id="image<%=i
> %>" /></a>');
>                 $('#image<%=i%>').bind('mouseover',function(event) {
>                                 $('#image<%=i%>').addClass('dim');
>                 });
>         }
> JavaScript, event-binding does not work:
> ---------------------------------------
> for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
>   var elem = $('<a id="link<%=i%>"><img id="image<%=i%>" /
> ></a>');
>   $('#thumb' + i).bind('mouseover',function(event) {
>      $('#thumb' + i).addClass('dim');
>   });
> }
> (also: this declaration doesn't work in JS:
> var elem+i = $('<a id="link<%=i%>"><img id="image<%=i%>" /></a>');
>     ^^^^^^
> 'elem+i' returns a syntax error; why does this declaration 'var elem<
> %=i%>' work in JSP but equivalent does not in JS?
> urls (JSP and JS) are here:
> http://www.mayacove.com/dev/jquery/events/test_event_dyn.htmlhttp://www.mayacove.com/dev/jquery/events/test_event_dyn.jsp
> thank you very much..

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