Have you tried an HTTP monitor like Fiddler (http://
www.getfiddler.com) to see what is going on when the $.ajax request

That will help diagnose for sure

On Aug 29, 9:46 am, "g...@iec" <abhi.pur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an issue.
> I am submitting XML data using ajax call which updates data on server.
> It works fine in firefox but gave 404 error in IE.
> The ajax call which i am using is mentioned below :
> var url = '/' + serviceContext + '/services/content/update/' +
> structid;
>                 alert(nodeData);
>                 $.ajax({
>                         url: url,
>                         type: 'POST',
>                         data: nodeData,
>                         contentType: 'application/xml;charset= UTF-8',
>                         cache: false,
>                         processData: false,
>                         dataType: 'xml',
>                         success: function(){
>                                 changeCounter = 0;
>                                 $('#messages').text('Changes to metadata 
> updated successfully.');
>                                 return false;
>                         },
>                         error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
>                                 $('#messages').text('Error! HTTP Error code ' 
> +
> xhr.status).addClass('warning');
>                                 return false;
>                         }
>                 });
> Here nodeData is a xml which i am sending to server.
> So i need help to figure out whether this is client-side or server-
> side issue.
> This call works fine in firefox and updates data on server but in ie
> it gave 404 error (and response from server says : ' Could not find
> resource at "'/' + serviceContext + '/services/content/update/' +
> structid" link. ')
> Thanks to all in advance for providing suggestions.

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