
I am using jquery validate on one of my pages with a submit handler,
Can anyone let me know how I can specifiy which layer should contain
the error messages?.

Here is the code I want to change:

jQuery(function() {
                var v = jQuery("#PropertyForm").validate({
                                submitHandler: function(form) {
                                $.ajaxSetup({dataType: "html"})
$.get('submit.php',{URLLINK:$('#name').val(),rand:Math.random() },
function(datanew) {$('#jim').append(datanew);
   return false;

Here is code I use on other pages to show the messages in the

<script type="text/javascript">
  var containerRegistration = $('div.containerRegistration');
 var validator = $("#PropertyForm").validate({
    errorContainer: containerRegistration,
  errorLabelContainer: $("ol", containerRegistration),
  wrapper: 'li',
  meta: "validate"

Can anyone help me with the syntax for putting the container into the
first block of code?



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