Yep. That was it, I didn't have the .js files pathed correctly. Duh.
thanks for the help.

On Aug 29, 6:21 pm, Charlie <> wrote:
> path to superfish.js isn't working, opens an html page. Can tell on main 
> page, no delay on hiding of sub menus. Right now all you have is a css menu 
> with no script
> Bryan D. wrote:Hi, I am having a hard time getting the dropdown nav under 
> "about us" to work in IE6 on this 
> site: seems to work it every browser 
> except IE6 (big shocker). Every time I load the page in IE6, I get a script 
> error that points to the initialization script in the header. Am I missing 
> something simple here? I'm pretty sure the CSS is correct.

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