maybe $(this).prev(".picture").append(


On Aug 31, 2:36 pm, Jottae <> wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I am wanting to click the link with the class "test" the function
> append href taking the (already up and running) appears in the
> "picture" div, but only in the same div "lol" where there is also a
> class "test".
> suggestions?
> -----------------------------------------------
> This is html code:
> <div id="lol">
> <div class="picture">
> lorem ipson
> </div>
> <a class=" test" href="";>Google</a>
> </div>
> <div id="lol">
> <div class="picture">
> lorem ipson
> </div>
> <a class=" test" href="";>Google</a>
> </div>
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is code jQuery.
> $(".test").click(function() {
>      var url = this.href;
>      $(".picture").append("<img src='+url+'/>");   --->> This is
> wrong  ---  find reverse?parent?
>     });
> Thanks. =D

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