This should work, at least the logic is transposed:

   var self = $(this);
   if (self.find('input:checked').length){
       total += +self.find('input:text').val();

On Sep 1, 10:08 am, Jermaine <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to refactor (port) the following PrototypeJS code to jQuery.
> I'm in the process of learning jQuery and currently stuck with porting
> this piece of code... Any idea's?
> [code]
> var total = 0;
> // For each fieldpair that has a child with a checked input
> // we get the sibling with a text input and add that value
> // to the total.
> $$(".fieldpair").each(function(fieldpair) {
>    if (fieldpair.down("input:checked")) {
>      var input = fieldpair.down('input:text');
>      total += parseInt(input.value);
>   }});
> [/code]

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