I think the Rot13 is better at least according with the following

On Sep 2, 7:01 pm, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wrote one but have never gotten around to submitting it. Feedback welcome.
> /**
>  * De-obfuscate printed email addresses which are of the type:
>  *
>  * <span class="Obfuscated" title="some title">
>  * some link text [ someone AT gmail DOT com ]
>  * <span>
>  *
>  * The braces around the address part are hard-wired here. That should
>  * probably be set by a param. Ditto for the "AT" & "DOT".
>  *
>  * @author brian ally, zijn digital
>  **/
> jQuery.fn.deobfuscate = function()
> {
>         return this.each(function()
>         {
>                 var content = $(this).text();
>                 /* grab the part inside the braces, swap out placeholders, 
> and trim
>                  */
>                 var obfuscated = content.match(/\[(.*)\]/);
>                 var address = obfuscated[1]
>                         .replace(' AT ', '@')
>                         .replace(' DOT ', '.')
>                         .replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
>                 /* get everything before the braces and trim
>                  */
>                 var text = content.match(/.?[^[]+/);
>                 text = (text[0] != content)
>                         ? text[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
>                         : address;      // if there's no text part, use the 
> address
>                 var title = $(this).attr('title') || '';
>                 $(this).replaceWith($('<a href="mailto:' + address + '" 
> title="' +
> title + '">' + text + '</a>'));
>         });
> };
> $(function()
> {
>         $('.Obfuscated').deobfuscate();
> });
> The title attribute of the span will be given to the link. If you
> leave out the "some link text" part, the email address itself will be
> used.
> Here's a PHP function to create the span from an email address.
> /**
>  * Wrap an email address in a formatted span tag in such a way
>  * as to allow for easy javascript translation to a normal mailto: link.
>  *
>  * this:
>  * f...@bar.net, 'email foo!', 'some title text'
>  * becomes:
>  * <span class="Obfuscated" title="some title text">email foo! [ foo
> AT bar DOT net ]</span>
>  *
>  * @param       string  address email address
>  * @param       string  text    link text
>  * @param       string  title   link title
>  * @return      string                  obfuscated address, wrapped in i span 
> tag
>  *
>  * @author      brian ally, zijn digital
>  **/
> function obfuscateEmail($address, $text= null, $title = null)
> {
>         if (empty($address)) return null;
>         $regexp = 
> '^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*...@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$';
>         $search = Array('@', '.');
>         $replace = Array(' AT ', ' DOT ');
>         $class = 'Obfuscated';
>         if (is_string($address) && eregi($regexp, $address))
>         {
>                 $obfuscated = str_replace($search, $replace, $address);
>                 return "<span class=\"${class}\""
>                         . (!is_null($title) ? " title=\"${title}\"" : null)
>                         . '>'
>                         . (!is_null($text) ? $text : null)
>                         . "[ ${obfuscated} ]</span>";
>         }
>         return $address;
> }
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:35 PM, shapper<mdmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I found the following one:
> >http://plugins.jquery.com/project/RotationalStringObfuscator
> > It seems interesting.
> > How can I apply it to all emails on my web page?
> > Thank You,
> > Miguel

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