LRancez comment on tree view plugin :

To add a context menu you need add some lines inside the js so you can
configure any callback function:

function showTree(c, t) {
$.post(o.script, { dir: t }, function(data) {
if( o.root == t ) $(c).find('UL:hidden').show(); else $(c).find
('UL:hidden').slideDown({ duration: o.expandSpeed, easing:
o.expandEasing });

// This is my
if( o.addedEvent != undefined )


Now, after every connector call, the plugin will call the function
that you set to the addedEvent property.
For ContextMenus you can use somethig like:

root: '/root/',
script: 'jqueryFileTree.aspx',
expandSpeed: 1000,
collapseSpeed: 1000,
addedEvent: function(data) {$(".directory A").contextMenu({
menu: 'menuFolder'
}, menuFolderCallback);}
}, function(file) {

I tried, but I don't get it. Do you ?


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