Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to display a Success Message upon
remote returning 'true'.

Yes, I know this can be done with success: function() {}, however I
have multiple fields that I want to use this on, and I want to display
more than just a generic message.

Let's say I have a Username and Email field, both of which are being
validated remotely (via remote), and I want to display a Success
message ("Username not in use", "Email not in use", respectively). Is
there anyway I can do this?

Can I retrieve the label information that would be unique to Username
or Email fields, then use that to identify the fields and dynamically
generate the words 'Username' and 'Email'?

Is there a default message for remote returning 'true'? I know there's
a default one for 'false', I don't get the point behind adding one and
not the other...

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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