hello everyone,

i found quite interesting the spritemenu (http://
www.distinctcorp.com.au/jquery/spritemenu.html) idea and used it on my
website. It works quite fine, but i'd like to ad some functionality:
when the user click on a menu element, i want it to remain selected
(in hover state completed). So, here's the function:
        $.fn.spritemenu = function(settings) {
                var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.spritemenu.defaults, settings);
                return this.each(function() {
                        var aniParamsOrig = {};
                        var aniParamsBack = {};
$(this).children(settings.buttonselector).each(function(index) {
                                var $mainlink = $(this).children('a');
                                        .css('background-position',((0-index) * 
                                        .css('background-position',((0-index) * 
' + (-1*settings.buttonheight) + 'px')
                                aniParamsOrig[settings.animate] = 
                                aniParamsBack[settings.animate] = 0;
                        }).hover(function () {
(aniParamsOrig, {queue: true, duration: settings.speed, easing:
settings.easing, complete: function() {
({opacity: 1}, {queue: true, duration: 'slow'});
                                function () {
(aniParamsBack, {queue: true, duration: settings.speed, easing:
settings.easing, complete: function() {
({opacity: 0}, {queue: true, duration: 'slow'}).hide();
().animate(aniParamsBack, {queue: true, duration: settings.speed,
easing: settings.easing});
(aniParamsOrig, {queue: true, duration: settings.speed, easing:
        $.fn.spritemenu.defaults = {
                grid: 'menugrid.png',
                buttonwidth: 100,
                buttonheight: 100,
                buttonselector: 'li',
                zindex: 10,
                speed: 'slow',
                easing: 'swing',
                animate: 'opacity'
        function abort() {
                arguments[0] = 'spritemenu: ' + arguments[0];
                throw format.apply(null, arguments);
        function format(str) {
                for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
                        str = str.replace(new RegExp('\\{' + (i-1) + '}', 'g'), 
                return str;
My add is relative to the .click section i report here:
().animate(aniParamsBack, {queue: true, duration: settings.speed,
easing: settings.easing});
(aniParamsOrig, {queue: true, duration: settings.speed, easing:

and i get a weird behavior: when i use the alert, it works exactly as
i'd like it to: the animation completes fine and the element remains
in hover state. When i remove the alert, nothing happens and when the
mouse leaves the item after the click, it comes back to the original

can anyone help me, please?

thanks a lot,


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