You need

//link to the CSS files for this menu type
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"
href="superfish.css" />

// link to the JavaScript files (hoverIntent is optional)
<script type="text/javascript" src="hoverIntent.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="superfish.js"></script>

// initialise Superfish
<script type="text/javascript">



// and an ul with the class "sf-menu"
<ul class="sf-menu">

i hope i can help you!

can you post a link to your website?

On 5 Sep., 19:16, gBurgur <> wrote:
> I have played around with some of SuperFish's CSS but I can't really
> do much to it.  (I'm a newbie.)  Everything is in the default Blue
> color which is fine, but the menu looks too basic.  I am using a
> horizontal menu.
> There are 3 CSS files:
>   superfish.css
>   superfish-navbar.css
>   superfish-vertical.css
> Which one's do I need?
> Also,
> If I wanted to make the dropdown items wider so the do not wrap the
> text in an item, where would I do it?
> MainItem_1        MainItem_2
>  .-.
>  .-.
>  This MenuItem wraps
>  This next MenuItem wraps
> Thanks,
> Gene

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