> I was implementing thishttp://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/after.html
> here:http://relojurbano.com.ar/actual.html
> it works ok (you can see it clicking "siguiente" & "anterior" at the
> left side menu/descriptions)
> but... I need the images (that have variable widths) aligned to right,
> not left...
> I have tried using some css variants and nothing works... float, text-
> align, right:0...
> then looking at the jquery.cycle.all.js file I saw a lot of "left"
> strings... maybe I need to change some of them, to make it align to
> right? any idea? maybe there is an option in jquery to change them to
> right?

Hi Luciano,

Cycle needs precise control over the position of the slides in order
to manage all of the possible transition effects.  If you need right
alignment then your best bet would be to wrap your images inside a
div.  Cycle will then treat the divs as the slides and you can right
align your images inside the divs.


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