critical part of jQuery is using a selector that matches the target element . You've used $('.ul.sf-menu').superfish() , which is looking for the ul with class named "sf-menu" which doesn't exist.

If you want to use the superfish css system you need the "sf-menu" class which would mean porting your existing css to that class, however your page is also working without doing this.

Change to $("#nav").superfish(   // your options ). This works in Firebug

amanda wrote:

I had set up a page with Superfish 1.2.2 a while back, since then it
has been upgraded to the current version. But the complaint is the
menu is not working- no delay, no fade ect.

I am not sure how they went about this upgrade, looks like the jquery
files and superfish files were switched out and the css just renamed.

By plugging in the older files, I have it narrowed down to a old file,
called menu.js and the new version of the file superfish.js. Also, I
seem to need to use the jquery.js, can I not use the

Any idea here? My UL is called #nav, do I need to rename it or do I
need the new superfish.js to be referred to somewhere? Do I just need
to rewrite the css file based on the new template (ugg)?

Any related traps to adding in the hoverIntent?

Page is, works here (
index-copy.html)with the change back to menu.css but has a terrible
"flash" on your first mouse over.

Just an idea of at least where to start looking would be great.



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