I would like to add a "Create new..." item to my autocomplete lists to
give users a way to create new items. This item would stick at either
the top of the bottom of the suggestion list and, when selected, fire
a callback where I could display a dialog to collect the information
for the new entry, which would then go into the autocomplete list.

I could easily be missing something but this doesn't look possible out
of the box. Has anyone done something like this before?

More explanation: I'm selecting from a list of people. If the person
I'm looking for isn't in the list I need to pop up a dialog so I can
enter their name, email, etc. That new person then gets put into the
autocomplete list and selected into the form field.

I've been poking around the source code but haven't been able to
figure out a way to implement this yet. Any suggestions or alternate
approaches would be most welcome. Thanks!


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