Have you had a go with queue?



2009/9/10 D A <dali...@gmail.com>

> In pseudo code, here's what I'm trying to do with some text:
> shrinkText.changeText.EnlargeText.
> The jQuery I'm using for this:
>        $('span#calendarNumber').animate({
>                color: '#999',
>                fontSize: '12px'
>        }, 500 ).html($('#calculatorSampleInPopup1').val()).animate({
>                color: '#900',
>                fontSize: '40px'
>        }, 2500, 'easeOutElastic' );
> What happens visually upon triggering this is this:
>  - HTML content changes
>  - text shrinks
>  - text enlarges
> I think what is happening is that the first animation is suppose to
> span 500 (miliseconds?) but jQuery doesn't pause for that, it just
> starts the animating and goes immediate to the second event which is
> to change the text.
> In otherwords, I think it's triggering correctly, it's just not
> producing the visual effect I want.
> Is the solution to put a pause of some sort between the first two
> events? If so, what's the proper method?
> -DA

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