I have figured this out, I replaced




On Sep 15, 8:44 am, Richard Walsh <rwa...@datagroup.ca> wrote:
> I am working on a toolset that shows/hides divs. The divs are named
> id-1 to id-6.
> <div id="id-1">
> content
> </div>
> <div id="id-2">
> content
> </div>
> And so on. The script I have written is below:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         $(function(){
>                 $('#id-2').hide();
>                 $('#id-3').hide();
>                 $('#id-4').hide();
>                 $('#id-5').hide();
>                 $('#id-6').hide();
>                 $('#add_link').click(function(){
>                         $(this).parent().next('div').show('slow');
>                 });
>                 $('#remove_link').click(function(){
>                         $(this).parent().hide('slow');
>                 });
>         });
> </script>
> The beginning part basically just hides div 2-6 on load. The next part
> with "#add_link" that adds the next div if needed, and then the last,
> removes the current div. This all works, but only on first set.
> So basically I have a repeated piece; as below:
> <div id="id-1">
>         <label for="reprint_F1">Identifer 1</label>
>         <select name="reprint_F1" id="reprint_F1">
>                 <option>- Please Select -</option>
>                 <option value="1">Sec</option>
>                 <option value="2">Row</option>
>                 <option value="3">Seat</option>
>                 <option value="4">Ticket Barcode</option>
>                 <option value="5">RecID</option>
>                 <option value="6">Book No.</option>
>                 <option value="7">Account No.</option>
>                 <option value="8">Other</option>
>         </select>
>         <input type="text" name="reprint_F1b" id="reprint_F1b">
>         <a href="#" id="add_link" class="test ui-state-default ui-corner-
> all"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-plus"></span>Add</a>
> </div>
> This occurs 6 times, starting on <div id="id-2"> I add another link
> for removing that div.
> As I said above, they first set works, but after that it doesn't. How
> can I get this working so that it works for all 6. I want to try and
> avoid writing a function for all six, as in the future I may have to
> add in more items.

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