I still can't find a solution to simply print out the XML response
from an AJAX call. I'm surprised jQuery can't handle something that
simple, as it can otherwise do so much.

The other js libraries don't seem to have a problem with it, it looks
like jQuery just isn't up to the task, and I can't use it for this


On Sep 14, 11:53 pm, Jonathan <jonandke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm re-writing a test page for a RESTful web service with AJAX, and
> need to be able to display the XML or JSON response in a textarea or a
> div. I'm re-writing the web page to work off jQuery, but I'm stuck
> here.
> The best response I can get is: [Object XMLDocument]
> I have to set a custom Authorization header, set an HTTP method (get,
> put, post, or delete), send data, and display the raw XML (or JSON,
> depending on the request) response in the page.
> With firebug I see the XML response is there, but I can't figure out
> how to display that raw XML with jQuery. It worked with the prototype
> js, but I'm stumped trying to get it to work with jQuery.
> It seems like a simple enough task, the XML is there, I want to print
> it out on the page. I've spent hours searching through the jQuery docs
> and online examples to no avail.
> Any ideas?

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