Hi there,

The only way I could find to do this with the $.get function was to parse out the query string - the success callback should get a copy of the options object which was used to set up the ajax request, but the data parameter is NULL in this object for GET requests (it is populated by the data parameters in POST requests however).

For example (using your example with a few changes):

 $('input:checkbox').click( function() {
$.get('/ajax.php',{'nr': $(this).attr("id") }, function( data, textStatus ) { // this contains the options object used in the ajax request - this.data is null in GET requests
     // parse out the query string used for the request
     var qs = this.url.substr((this.url.indexOf("?")+1));
     var nvp = qs.split("&");
     // make an object which will hold the key/value pairs
     var params = {};
     for (var i = 0; i < nvp.length; i++) {
       var p = nvp[i].split("=");
       params[p[0]] = p[1];
     $('#'+params.nr).attr("checked", "checked");
   return false;

on 18/09/2009 08:53 Flamer said::
Thanks for your reply.

Does this not gives problems when I have an AJAX request with a
timeout after say 2 seconds, but in the meantime there's another
request using the same variable? Or is the sentData only accessible in
the click( function(){ ....} ) scope?

There is no other way of getting the data I sent with the request?

On 17 sep, 15:28, Nick Fitzsimons <n...@nickfitz.co.uk> wrote:
2009/9/17 Flamer <mkapp...@gmail.com>:

Is it possible to access the data arguments that are sent with the
ajax function?
$('#mycheckbox').click( function() {
       $.get( '/ajax.php', { nr: this.id }, function( data, textStatus ) {
               // Here I want to access the arguments I just sent with ajax.php
// As example, something like this:
               $('#'+arguments.nr).attr('checked', 'checked');
       } );
return false;
} );
If I understand you correctly, then assigning your data object to a
variable which can be accessed via a closure in the callback function
would do it - something like:

$('#mycheckbox').click( function() {
       var sentData = { nr: this.id };
       $.get( '/ajax.php', sentData, function( data, textStatus ) {
               // Here I want to access the arguments I just sent with ajax.php

               // As example, something like this:
               $('#'+ sentData.nr).attr('checked', 'checked');
       } );

       return false;

} );

should be all you need.


Nick Fitzsimonshttp://www.nickfitz.co.uk/

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