On Sep 19, 6:53 am, amtames <matt.a...@tnmed.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> We recently had our site redeveloped by a professional firm. We
> originally requested that users not be able to copy and paste text
> from our site. This has created an outcry and we would like to have
> text be selectable. I see that they achieved this by using jquery
> which I am not familiar. I believe that I have found the snippet of
> code that turns this ability off/on but I do not know how to write the
> correct code to allow selection of text.

You don't have to do anything to *allow* selection of text, you just
have to stop trying to prevent it. The simple solution is to turn off
javascript, but likely your users don't know how to do that.

> This is an IE specific issue,
> not a problem in Firefox.

Look for something like:

  document.onselectstart = function() {return false;}

and remove it.


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